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    Adding categories to a Gatsby blog (for better SEO)

    One of my biggest frustrations since migrating swizec.com from Wordpress to Gatsby was that I never added categories. Always wanted to, never did. Thought it would be super hard.

    For ... years ... I diligently wrote categories in the frontmatter of all my markdown and the software dutifully ignored all that. 💩

    For example, I added a bunch of categories to Saving time in UTC doesn't work, and offsets aren't enough:

    Categories in article frontmatter
    Categories in article frontmatter

    And until a few days ago, those categories rendered as useless plaintext:

    Not working categories 💩
    Not working categories 💩

    Between you and me, I doubt any human in the history of reading articles on the web has ever wanted to click on one of those. But the Google bot does. And Google loooooves internal links.

    Use Gatsby to create category pages

    You can use Gatsby's wonderful Creating Pages from Data Programmatically tutorial as a guide. Here's what I did.

    Add a new function call to the createPages hook in gatsby-node.js. This lets you hook into the page creation part of Gatsby's build lifecycle.

    // gatsby-node.js
    exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
      createCategoryPages({ graphql, actions })

    I like to name my functions so it's easier to keep track.

    The createCategoryPages function works in 3 steps:

    1. Use GraphQL to collect all category lists
    2. Create a Set() of unique categories
    3. Iterate and make pages

    Use GraphQL to collect all category lists

    Gatsby revolves around the idea of using GraphQL to access everything. And they mean everything. Even markdown files in your project.

        // gatsby-node.js
        async function createCategoryPages({ graphql, actions }) {
          const result = await graphql(`
            query Categories {
              allMdx(filter: { fileAbsolutePath: { regex: "/blog|articles/.+/" } }) {
                nodes {
                  frontmatter {
          if (result.errors) {
            console.error(result.errors) // eslint-disable-line no-console
            throw result.errors

    That GraphQL query looks for all MDX files under the /blog/ or /articles/ paths and extracts the categories field from their frontmatter. If there's an error, we throw.

    2. Create a Set() of unique categories

    The query gives us an array of strings like "Time, UTC, Daylight Saving, Lessons, Technical". We need to split that into individual categories and make sure we clear duplicates.

    // gatsby-node.js
    // extract categories out of graphql and make a set
    const allCategories = new Set(
        .filter((node) => !!node.frontmatter.categories)
        .map((node) => node.frontmatter.categories)
        .map((categories) => categories.split(","))
        .map((category) => category.trim().toLowerCase())

    First, a filter clears empty strings. Second, a map extracts the categories property. Third, a map splits by comma. Fourth, a flat flattens the array of arrays. Fifth, a map clears leading and trailing whitespace and lowercases the categories.

    We're now ready to make pages.

    3. Iterate and make pages

    The last step in createCategoryPages, uses Gatsby's createPage action to create pages based on a React component.

    for (const category of allCategories) {
      await actions.createPage({
        path: `/categories/${category}`,
        component: require.resolve("./src/templates/category.js"),
        context: { category, categoryRegex: `/${category}/gi` },

    We iterate through our list of categories and call actions.createPage for each.

    Each page is going to live on a /categories/* path using the category name. It's going to render with the category.js React component. And will receive the category and a categoryRegex as its props.

    A React template for each category

    To render each category page, we need a page component and a query that fetches all the articles.

    The component

    The component is nothing special. A bunch of copy, email signup forms, and an <ArticleListing> thingy that iterates through a list of articles and renders titles with descriptions.

    // /src/templates/category.js
    const CategoryPage = ({ data, pageContext: { category } }) => {
      const title = `Swizec's ${category} articles`
      const description = `Learn from Swizec's raw and honest from the heart articles filed under "${category}".`
      return (
          <Head title={title} description={description} />
            // ...
            <FormCK copyBefore={<></>} />
            {data.allSitePage.nodes.map((props, i) => (
              <ArticleListing {...props} key={i} />
            <FormCK copyBefore={<></>} />

    We're using Gatsby's support for page queries to get article data into the data prop at build time. On every page deploy.

    The page query

    The page query leans heavily on GraphQL's flexibility to get a list of articles for a specific category from the file system.

    export const pageQuery = graphql`
      query ArticlesInCategory($categoryRegex: String) {
          filter: {
            path: { regex: "/blog|articles/.+/" }
            context: { frontmatter: { categories: { regex: $categoryRegex } } }
          sort: { fields: context___frontmatter___published, order: DESC }
        ) {
          nodes {
            context {
              frontmatter {

    $categoryRegex is a query variable that gets populated from the page context we defined when creating pages.

    We use that to filter all pages on the site by whether they include the category in their frontmatter. We also filter by filepath to ensure only blogs or articles are included.

    The query sorts by descending publish time and extracts properties that <ArticleListing> will use to render.

    Link categories on each article

    Category links at bottom of each article
    Category links at bottom of each article

    Adding links to categories is the easy part. You split the category string by comma and render links in a loop.

    const Categories = ({ categories }) => {
      const cleaned = categories.split(",").map((category) => category.trim())
      return (
          {cleaned.map((category) => (
              <Link to={`/categories/${category.toLowerCase()}`}>{category}</Link>,{" "}

    I put that in my existing ArticleMetaData component.


    A Sunday afternoon of hacking around and swizec.com has 1440 category pages like this.

    A nice category page

    Google bot is happy, readers probably don't care, and every page has a link from somewhere. Perfection.


    PS: I think this is a great example of the elegance at the core of Gatsby. Yes it feels more complicated than its competitors, but there's something beautiful about how this came together

    Published on March 29th, 2022 in Gatsby, SEO, React

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